Hello friends. I’m in a particularly busy season of life now (work, university coursework etc) where things can easily get overwhelming. Speaking encouraging and life affirming words to and about myself, repeatedly, is one of the ways I stay encouraged, motivated and not overwhelmed. It hasn’t always been this way. I’ve been through similar seasons in the past where I’ve felt overwhelmed by situations and only seen what I’ve still got to do.
I’ve come to learn that in these moments, being intentional about regularly speaking affirming words to myself is so helpful and powerful. I do other things which help too (another blog post will be dedicated to this) but I’ve learnt that this is such a powerful practice for me and I hope it’ll encourage you to give it a go too. Here are some of the positive affirming statements that I find very helpful.
I am enough as I am.
I am an overcomer.
I am so loved.
I am worthy of rest and self care.
I can do hard things.
I am a powerful and beautiful woman.
I am God’s very brilliant idea.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I am an amazing woman/wife/mother/pharmacist/friend.
I am a child of God.
I am a work in progress.
I can do or I am…. (insert something I’m struggling with or hoping to be).
I am so grateful for…. (Insert the things I’m grateful for).
I am kind to myself and others.
I am breathing out worry and inhaling peace (whilst breathing in and out).
I am capable.
I am confident
I am proud of myself.
I am content and successful.

I really believe that the words that we say have so much power (‘the tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat it’s fruit’; Proverbs 18:21) so I try to be mindful of the words I speak over myself, my husband, our children and others (I’m not perfect but hey it’s about progress not perfection). The moments where I don’t get it right, because I’m human and imperfect (aren’t we all), I take it easy on myself, learn and keep it moving. You’ll usually find me saying ‘I am or I can do something (even when I may not be or not able to do something at that particular time).
I started the practice of speaking positive self affirmations with my daughter when she was a few years younger. She is five now and it’s been really amazing and encouraging to see and hear her repeat these affirmations on her own without my leading (did someone cut some onions nearby?). I started this practice with her because I want her to be a loving and confident black girl who really knows her worth and speaks positive and life-giving words about and to herself. I look forward to including my son in this practice soon.
I would love to know in the comments if you do this too and if so, what are some of the words you say about yourself. Mums, do you do this with your children too. I hope you found this helpful. I know I did too. I’m off now to start writing my essays (whilst repeatedly telling myself, I can do this) because those essays are not going to write themselves. Ohh how I wish they did, lol.
With all my love,
Esther x