About Me

My name is Esther and I’m a daughter, sister, pharmacist, wife, mother, student, eco-conscious beginner and most importantly, I love Jesus . I’m in my mid 30’s but i’ll always be a part of the ’25 year old club’ (who’s with me,lol). I love all things Mickey & Minnie Mouse, baking, eating, travelling, dancing, listening to audio books, staying in (am I telling my age now,lol) & watching Nigerian movies.
I consider myself to be a ‘recovering perfectionist’. This means that I am learning to be kind to myself, protect my peace & realise that things don’t always have to be 100% perfect. I’ve learnt that it’s about ‘progress not perfection’ which has been so freeing for me. I am intentional about practicing gratitude as I believe that ‘you magnify what you focus on’. In all the different seasons of life, whether good or bad, I choose to remain hopeful because I trust that God is for me & I know that God is good.
You may be able to relate to the fact that as women, mums we wear so many hats and sometimes it can be hard to find time for ourselves. As important as all these roles are, I’ve come to learn that I’m equally important & that if I don’t take care of, rest & invest in myself, I can’t fully take care of others and give my best to all my other roles/hats. I’m passionate about encouraging and reminding other women & mums of the importance of self care & investing in yourself, so I hope to share content on my blog about this.
A big part of my journey is my love and devotion to God. It feeds all I do.
I am a christian who loves Jesus. Having a personal relationship with God is important to me. I am a ‘child of God’ and my heart is to love God & love and serve others as I love myself. I want to be a light that shines brightly for God & in turn attracts others to God so that hopefully they can know him for themselves.
I’m the first child of five. I am British-Nigerian and I grew up in an amazing ‘African’ home. My parents were and are such great role models to my siblings and I. My siblings and I are all really close and it’s one of my life’s missions to enable and encourage this bond especially as we get older and have our very own families.

I am married to my dear Anthony and have been for 10 years now.
It has been an amazing journey with a lot of love, learning & growth. I’m excited about sharing on what we have learnt (and are still learning) as well as tools/tips that has helped us to maintain a happy & healthy marriage through the different seasons of life. Our Journey to becoming parents was not a conventional one. You can start here to read about our fertility journey . Although it was a difficult season, we went through it together & learnt a lot in our season of waiting. We found out first hand that God’s timing is perfect and that God gives good and perfect gifts.
We were blessed with our beautiful daughter, Eliana (meaning: ‘God has answered our prayers) in 2018. We were blessed again in 2021 with our gorgeous little man, Daniel. I will share about the miracle of his conception in time. I always say that I look at our children and thank God that he saw it fit to bless little ol’ me with not one but two children. I always feel so blessed and humbled.
I am a pharmacist & have been for 11 years now. I am passionate about supporting, educating and empowering patients to get the best possible outcomes out of their medication and health. So much so that I am currently undertaking additional learning at university in addition to my day job. Do keep a look out as I will share tips that I believe will be helpful for our health & that of our children.
I am on a journey where I am taking little actions/steps that I believe will have a positive impact on our environment.
So if easy, achievable eco-friendly tips/changes are your thing, be sure to follow as I will be sharing things I’ve learnt & I am learning on this journey.
I initially started this blog so that I would have a space to share about our fertility journey in the hopes that it would encourage and inspire hope in other women who may be going through infertility. It has now evolved into more and I’m so here for it.
Not only will it achieve the above but my heart is that it will be a space to journey with and encourage busy mums to keep growing & flourishing in their amazing lives whilst being kind to & taking care of ourselves and learning along the way.
It’s not about perfection. It’s about ‘progressing’, ‘learning’ and ‘thriving’, together. With all my love!
Esther x