My Fertility Journey Part 3

Hello friends! So my fertility journey story continues…

The day of our follow up appointment with the consultant arrived and we attended. The consultant delivered the results to us. All is well with Anthony, which is great. My original diagnosis of Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is reconfirmed but the Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) brings up a new hurdle, if I’ll call it that.

It appears, from the HSG, that my left Fallopian tube is blocked and there is no explanation for it. Another ‘obstacle’, it seems, is making our hope of having a baby seem even harder to reach. I remember the consultant being really lovely. She was hopeful and mentioned that we have options. The first option is to take a medication called Clomid, which induces ovulation, as she believes there is a chance we will be successful with this option because from the scan, my ovaries although covered with cysts, still have viable eggs. She also mentions that the other option is IVF which because of the area of town we live, we would be entitled to 3 free rounds of IVF (at the time of writing this, this has changed and it’s now only 1 free round of IVF for the area I reside. So it’s always worth checking for the most up to date information for where you live in the UK and what the National health service (NHS) IVF entitlements are 😁).

I remember feeling so grateful that these options were available to us. Earlier on in the journey, I remember having a conversation with God saying, “Lord, you know your child right here does not do very well with needles. I do know Lord, that if it comes to it and we do have to go through the IVF route, you will give me the grace to do it. However, your child right here will like to not do that so please come through”. Seems funny to me now but this was really my prayer to God :-).

So, It was definitely a quick and easy decision for us to make to choose Clomid. IVF was still an option for us if we were unsuccessful with Clomid. I remember leaving the appointment feeling grateful and hopeful for the journey ahead. Before we could start the treatment, we were referred to St Mary’s fertility centre. The team at the fertility centre were so amazing. Everyone we met was so friendly and we felt cared for and supported. We carried on hoping, trusting and praying.

The journey continues in the next post…

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